
The Bark is accepting work from outside contributors. Anything creative, original or worth reporting on is acceptable. We are a multimedia platform that proudly publishes videos, podcasts, articles and much more. Contributions don’t have to solely revolve around editorial work either. Artistic endeavors, including graphic design and photography, advertisers and much more are accepted.

If you are interested in contributing, contact us via the provided information at the bottom of this page.

Guidelines for contributed works

Articles should be stories worth telling. The subject of these stories can be anything ranging from entertainment, profile pieces and politics. However, writing is not solely limited to this. All we ask is that it’s appropriate for a general audience. The use of extreme profanity or other harsh language will be omitted or not published. The use of AP style is encouraged in your writing. If you are a current UMD student, ask us about our freelance, volunteer and employment opportunities.

Listicles are list articles. They are content presented wholly or partly in the form of a list. These articles are often titled “13 ways to celebrate the Halloween season.” These pieces are popular on social media and often require a decent amount of research. Appropriate language is required and AP style is encouraged.

Visual pieces can be either photo heavy articles, slideshows, videos, stand alone photos, original illustrations and more. If it is a video, The Bark will happily feature it on our YouTube Channel and share it on all of our social media platforms. We stress the use of appropriate behavior, language and gestures in this section. We also encourage creativity. Have fun with this medium.

Audio submissions are mostly podcast style stories full of individual opinions, reports on current events or just general discussion on variable topics from around the world. Again, we ask that you stick to appropriate language.

The Bite
The Bark’s new creative centered section, The Bite, is catered to giving a constructive, artistic outlet to the Twin-Ports community. Poetry, fiction based stories and so much more is accepted for this beat. Again, the use of extreme profanity or any other harsh language will be omitted or not published.

Contribute content

To be a content contributor we ask that you email us with a brief statement regarding what you’re interested in doing. Feel free to ask any questions as well. We try not to turn anyone away. We want to be a creative constructive outlet for those who don’t often have a chance to express their voice.